25 years of Latvian VW Beetle Club

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teeb vahet tõukurvarda düüsil ja jagajal
Postitusi: 53
Liitunud: L Mai 08, 2004 10:50 am
Asukoht: riga, latvia

25 years of Latvian VW Beetle Club

Postitus Postitas vabole.lv »

Hello, dear air-cooled friends!

As we already announced earlier - this year the biggest air-cooled event in Latvia will take place July 22-24! And after long thinking, organizers decided to return to the place where we felt very cool - CAMPING LAKŠI, www.laksi.lv. The place where we celebrated XX years of Latvian VW Beetle Club. It's a very nice green place with the lake, fireplace, rock'n'roll stage and many private places to stay.

We already know the participation fee - it's 19.99 euro per person (kids as always - for free). It includes the stay at the camp, tent or camping place, festival merchandise and activities. Prices do not include museums and activities outside the camping - everyone is free to decide whether to participate or not. Also - you may upgrade your stay - sleep at the camping house. This should be organized by the participants themself. So, if you prefer to stay in comfort (although the best choice is your camper ;) and who will sleep anyway) - please contact CAMPING LAKŠI, www.laksi.lv. - +371 26120958

So, STAY TUNED, and we are looking forward to seeing you at our 25-year celebration!